I LOVE the internet. Just about everything about it. And I LOVE that I can find information about ANYTHING out there. Right now, I'm obsessed with quilting. I just started quilting one year ago and am already addicted. I'm almost done with my third quilt - it's on my "design wall" right now just waiting to be finished. My mother's a master quilter - she's so happy that I FINALLY picked up quilting.
So, most of the blogs I read are dedicated to sewing...
Sew, Mama, Sew - this is the first "crafty" blog that I ever found - and it's a good one! There are themes for each month (Children's clothes, quilting, pattern reviews), a shop with great fabric at great prices, and forums. There's so many helpful tutorials. I look at this blog at least every other day, and still haven't seen everything that this blog has to offer!
Ruffles and Stuff - If I could put a ruffle on anything that doesn't move, I totally would. I can't get enough. And neither can this blogger! Unfortunately, she decided to stop blogging, so, this site isn't changing any more, but there's still so much fun to be had!
365 Days of Free Motion Quilting Filler Designs - It's exactly what it sounds like - 365 FMQ designs!!! It's amazing. When I first found this blog, I was dedicated to doing one a day. So far I've done....um....zero. But, at least I know where to go when I want to start!
How About Orange - another crafty site. I visit this blog for its pictures and colors - some bloggers really have a knack for photography. I actually think that by looking at blogs that have great photos, my photography is improving!
I do follow other blogs....
Perez Hilton - Don't judge. Some people read People Magazine, I read Perez. It's pure trash and I love it.
Cake Wrecks - This blog brings out the English teacher in me with all its misspelled cake messages!
Ravenous Couple: Cooking up Life - When I returned from Vietnam I found myself craving certain Vietnamese dishes. Of course, I went right to the internet and found this site. I dig through this site at least twice each week.
Fashion for Nerds - I love this blogger's style! I check in occasionally and see what outfits she's putting together. This blog is the reason I wear belts with my sweaters now... She just did an entry on Burning Man - it looks wild!
Thanks for all the cool blogs. I LOVE to sew and will certainly be checking out these blogs when I have time!