Friday, March 25, 2011

The Tattooed Teacher is just bloggin' around...

The problem I'm having with blogging is that there's so much out there to experiment with, but because there's so much, it's tough to make a decision. What system do I use? How should I have students respond to a blog? Or do I have them all create their own blogs that we follow? Right now, my juniors and seniors are using Tumblr - we all "follow" each other. I let them write about whatever they want. Even though they thought it was a "cool" idea at first, participation has dwindled to practically nothing. So, I think I'm headed in the wrong direction with this. What do you do with classroom blogs?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Islesford School has been using them to link up with other off shore islands and hold book groups online. The teacher poses a question and all the kids have to answer on the blog.

    Plus is just cool anyway!
